With expert nutrition advice and dietary treatment for all
Ward Nutrition dietitians are Accredited Practising Dietitians
Ward Nutrition Dietitians can offer you more then just nutrition advice, they offer experience, problem solving, understanding and most importantly accurate no nonsense recommendations to meet your nutritional requirements and needs. Our Dietitians, offer different expertise in a variety of areas. We dont believe one diet fits all, so if your looking for a dietitian who tailors your dietary advice to individual needs for any nutrition related area then you have come to the right place.
The team at Ward Nutrition has 25 years of experience as Accredited Practising Dietitians and Sports Dietitians. Ward Nutrition Dietitians can help provide you with up to date recommendations, no fads diets or confusing dietary advice for what ever your needs are. Please contact us if you have any nutrition and dietary concerns

Ward Nutrition, dedicated to helping you with your Nutrition !
Are you confused about what to eat? Have you been reading many blogs, posts and internet searches? Well, leave it all behind and speak to a expert in Nutrition. Claire Ward, is recognized as a leader in weight loss and women’s health. Claire’s extensive experience in nutrition for bariatric surgery and other disordered eating patterns centers on building a positive relationship with food. So you no longer have to Diet, rather live the life you want without all the stresses that dieting brings.,
Claire leads a team of Dietitians at Ward Nutrition, as we understand in the country its hard to see specialist, however at WARD NUTRITION, each of our dietitians can offer you expert dietary advice in the area of nutrition you require. As a team, we are able to cover many areas of nutrition and our passion for food and cooking can help you in your everyday lives.
Weight loss and Bariatric Surgery
Heart Disease and high cholesterol/ Blood Pressure
Irritable Bowel and FODMAP diets
Food Allergies and Intolerances
Aged Care and Malnutrition
Sports Nutrition
Eating disorders e.g. anorexia, binge eating
NDIS and Nutrition for Disabilities
Fertility and Women’s health issues e.g endometriosis and PCOS
Diabetes and Chronic Health Conditions
What to Expect in a Consult ?
Ward Nutrition Dietitians will discuss your medical condition, relevant biochemistry, medications, supplements, lifestyle patterns, as well as do a comprehensive dietary assessment and weight assessment, if required, using a body composition machine. We will review your personal goals and discuss with you a nutritional plan, including a meal plan and recipes if required.
We will make recommendations tailored to your personal needs and provide you with dietary and realistic weight goals as required. We aim to provide you with recommendations to help make realistic, sustainable changes in your diet and overall health for life long success. A report or doctors letter to your specialist will also be completed if required.
At Ward Nutrition, our dietitians will then review all our changes and recommendations made to ensure you are meeting all your vitamin and mineral dietary requirements to optimise your health and well being. We will determine what foods and how much you should be consuming and make changes necessary based on your clinical and mental well being. At the end of the day, we are committed to meeting your goals!

Clinical Nutrition
Ward Nutrition Dietitians are a group of experienced clinical dietitians. They take a holistic approach to patient care with the ultimate goal of improved health and wellness.
Understand your body using the InBody Body Composition Analyser
Ward Nutrition Dietitians use the InBody machine to measure and analyse your body composition in terms of:
Total body water
Segmental fat and body fat percentage
Muscle mass
Calorie requirements
Basal metabolic rate
The body composition results will be used to help you understand how your diet, lifestyle and level of exercise are influencing your overall body composition, pointing you in the right direction to make improvements. Body Mass Index is not a accurate tool to measure your ideal weight on its own. It is important to assess your ideal weight based on your muscle mass, fat percentage, fluid, age and gender. Not just your height. If your unsure of what your ideal weight should be, you can book in for just a body scan and ask your dietitian for a ideal body weight recommendation.
ONLY $45

Nutritional Counselling
As an Accredited Practising Dietitian, Claire Ward is your local Orange Dietitian, qualified to provide medical nutrition therapy and clinical nutrition consultations. Claire Ward and her team of Accredited Practising Dietitians provide nutritional and dietary advice for people of all ages and stages in life.
Further Information
Ward Nutrition are Accredited Practising Dietitians, we work collaboratively with various other organisations to bring you the best in dietetics and nutrition including PhyzX and Nutrition Plus.
Early Life Nutrition
Pregnancy and Fertility Dietitians

Get in touch
Located in Orange and Bathurst
P: 02 6362 9806 or 02 5301 6435
E: claire@wardnutrition.health
Orange Clinic
86 Peisley Street
Bathurst Clinic
PHYZX - 9/112 Keppel St