Bariatric Online Training
Wanting the A-Z of Bariatric nutrition care, cant access expert dietary advice in your area, or want to save on consult fees. This course is designed for you
The Complete Bariatric Online Course
All the recipes, meal plans and diet sheets you require are provided in each of the 4 Steps to complete your Bariatric Success!
Knowledge is your power…..Having this knowledge will enable you to be healthy, lose weight and more importantly enjoy your weight loss for life.
You can buy this course in one complete package and save a few hundred dollars or you can do the course in a step by step program.!
Also get access to our exclusive online support group
@ Ward Nutrition Weight loss and Bariatric Group
Step 1 = Get all the dietary education you need to get you started on your weight loss journey. This step includes pre surgery information, recipes and printable information booklet. Also Save on your initial consult with Claire to discuss your individual needs!
Step 2 = This step will provide you with the knowledge of what to do and expect in the first 3 months post surgery. Topics covered include how to prevent complications, meeting your nutrition needs, what textures of foods you need and most importantly strategies to get your mindset right! Recipes, meal plans, protein counter and mindful eating scale included.
Step 3 = Such an important step not to be missed! What to do from 4 -12 months post your Bariatric surgery. Setting up good foundations to ensure your weight loss continues for the rest of your life is essential. Recipes, meals plans and diet sheets provided.
Step 4 = The final step to your journey!. Long term weight success is important. This course covers how to manage from 12 months on wards, what and how much you should be eating, how to read food labels. Plus a bonus section on advice on pregnancy post surgery and what to do if you find yourself regaining.! Dont miss this last section in your course with lots of recipes and a 7 day meal plan for you to follow!