How Does Your Sleep Quality Impact Weight Loss?

It is estimated between 33-45% of Australian adults are falling short of the recommended 8 hours of quality sleep each night. Recently, studies have shown a link between sleep quality, duration and the effectiveness of weight loss interventions. How are they connected and how do your sleep patterns influence weight loss?

 Why do we sleep?

 Sleep is super important for both our mind and body. It allows the body to physically restore and reenergise as well as helping the brain to organise and process. It is important for our immune system, heart health, attention, memory and appetite control.

What happens if we don’t get enough sleep?

Lack of both sleep duration and sleep quality can have a major impact on our health. Poor sleep has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure and has also been associated with obesity. It can result in reduced alertness, impaired memory and reduced immune system function.


The link between sleep and weight loss

As sleep is closely integrated with energy balance, studies have shown sleep duration and quality is important for weight regulation. A study, from The International Journal of Obesity concluded reduced sleep (5 hours) resulted in increased hunger and energy intake as well as reduced fat loss and increased lean muscle loss. While, another study in the US determined sleep restriction could reduce weight loss by up to 55%. Lack of sleep can result in increased hunger and appetite leading to increased intake and reduced weight loss. More and more research has shown the link between sleep and the effectiveness of dietary interventions for weight loss.


How to improve your sleep?

There are a range of different things we can do to help ensure we are getting the best sleep possible including:

  1. Decide on a ‘set’ bedtime and try to stick to regular sleep patterns

  2. Put away electronics – aim to use the bedroom for sleep not screens

  3. Develop a bedtime routine – this could include a bedtime tea, relaxing bath or shower

  4. Try relaxation or meditation techniques to wind down before bed

  5. Read a book

  6. Avoid alcohol and caffeine before going to bed

  7. Avoid napping during the day or in the afternoon

  8. Reach out for help if you are worried – if you are concerned you are not getting enough sleep it is important to seek the advice of you GP



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